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◆11/3(日)熊野飛鳥むすびの里開設6周年記念事業 演舞


共演 和太鼓奏者千代園


◆11/17(日)熊野丹倉神社奉納舞 鬼城太鼓+86B210


共演 鬼城太鼓



◆11/28(木)伊丹WINNER スペシャルライブ2024










080-3795-8057 森克之

◆11/29(金)岡山PEPPERLAND 50周年 能勢遊神+86B210


共演 能勢遊神 モジュラーシンセ


OPEN 19:00/START 19:30 | TICKET 2400/2900(DRINK代別) 



TEL : 086-253-9758








Door Open 19:30. Performance Start 20:00

2500yen,(Inc,1 drink)



Art Space呼応Co-oh
B1F,3-6,Yuuki Bldg,3-6,Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo






 故・沢井忠夫、沢井一恵に師事。NHK邦楽技能者育成会卒業後、ウェスリアン大学客員教授として渡米中、ジョン・ケージやジョン・ゾーンらに影響を受ける。ゾーンのプロデュースによるソロ・アルバム『Shizuku』(1999年)を皮切りに、自己の箏アンサンブルとの『ゆらる』(2001年)、全編17絃のソロ作『Seventeen』(2005年)、インゲブリグト・ホーケル・フラーテン(b)とポール・ニルセン・ラヴ(ds)という欧州切ってのリズム・セクションと共演した『ライヴ!アット・スーパーデラックス』(2006年)をリリース。2006年に欧州フリー・ジャズ界の重鎮ペーター・ブロッツマン(s)及びニルセン・ラヴとトリオを結成し、『Head On』(2008年)と『ヴォルダ』(2010年)をリリース。2010年にはエリオット・シャープ(g)とのデュオ作『リフレクションズ』を発表。

 2014年秋、本田珠也(ds)とのパワー・デュオ《道場》のデビュー盤『壱ノ巻』がリリースされ、月刊『ミュージック・マガジン』の《2014年度ベスト・ジャズ・アルバム》1位を受賞。2015年にはノルウェーの PNLレーベルからニルセン・ラヴ、ラッセ・マーハウグ(electronics)との『Angular Mass』、同メンバーにジョー・マクフィー(s、tp)が加わった『Soul Stream』という2枚のフリー・ジャズ作を発表。2017年3月、坂田明(s、cl)と太田惠資(vln)をゲストに迎えた『道場/弐ノ巻』、八木/ホーケル・フラーテン/ニルセン/ラヴの10年ぶりの2作目『ディケイド』を同時発売。初めて自らのヴォーカルを含む自作曲集『森の中へ』を2019年にリリース。2023年、現代音楽作曲家・藤倉大との作品『微美』がノルウェーのJazzland Recordingsからリリースされ、2024年末には同レーベルからアンビエント・アルバム『Hyperborea』が予定されている。

 Moers Festival(ドイツ)、Vision Festival(米国)、Jazztopad及びKrakow Jazz Autumn(ポーランド)、Kongsberg Jazz Festival(ノルウェー)、Újbuda Jazz Festival(ハンガリー)、Music Unlimited(オーストリア)、Instal(イギリス)、Météo-Mulhouse Festival(フランス)、Montreux Jazz Festival、フジロック・フェスティヴァル、Jazz Art せんがわ等に出演。2023年度Jazzfestival Saalfeldenでは“Artist in Residence”、同年Cologne Jazzweekでは“Featured Artist”に抜擢された。また、藤倉大が音楽監督を勤める東京芸術劇場主催の現代音楽の祭典『ボンクリ〜Born Creative Festival』では4年続けて大きくフィーチャーされている。

 世界有数の即興演奏家と頻繁に共演するかたわら、プログレッシヴ・ロック・アーティストのスティーヴン・ウィルソン(Porcupine Tree)、アコーディオン奏者coba、更に柴咲コウ、浜崎あゆみ、Tempalay、アンジェラ・アキやTakuya(元Judy & Mary)といったJ-POPアーティストの録音やステージにも参加。


場所で活動.在仏日本大使館 広報大文化センターのParis-Tokyo Festivelを皮切りに
ヨーロッパでの活動を始める。 現代社会で生きる上での問題や疑問を取り上げて”人間らしく生きる”をテーマにした詩的な作品作りと、感覚的な実験劇場である即興の二つをベースに活動している。2007年、『DANSER』(フランス)『ballet tanz』
(ドイツ)best stage 34のtopに掲載される。 
共同通信パリ支局 よりニュース配信される。

2013より、Art Space 呼応co-oh 主催。様々なアートが交流する場所としてオーガナイズも行っている。様々なアーティストとのセッション、写真や映像作品にも出演している。最近ではモノクローム写真の巨匠、Michael Kenna の被写体として彼の大回 顧展の作品として恵比寿写真美術館に展示された。
7/20には越後妻有大地の芸術祭にて新潟の土地や、下条地域の民謡からインスパイアされた作品”ゾメキ” を建築家、ドミニクペローのバタフライパビリオンにて発表した。


Online Theatre












◆海、山、土-祈り、希望、再生 Sea, Mountain, Land - Pray , Hope , Regeneration


地元で熊野の伝統的なスタイルを継承しつつ着実な活動を続ける和太鼓集団、熊野鬼城太鼓、武道を通して和の心を伝えるべく活動を続けている荒谷卓、生きるという意味を踊りを通して追求し続ける86B210の井口桂子、鈴木富美恵、この3組がタッグを組む。 熊野鬼城太鼓は東紀州を代表する和太鼓の第一人者である中森輝雄師匠直々の指導のもと、形式に捕らわれない独自のスタイルを模索しこの熊野の地に昔から伝わる太鼓のリズムをベースに、打ち込みのスタイルを作る。 全ての神々(八百万の神)に対する奉納であり、祓である、八方斬りの演舞を荒谷卓、そして日本では古来より神と交信する役割を担ってきた舞を86B210,井口桂子、鈴木富美恵で行う。神々の場所、熊野の自然と神々の宿る場所、海、山、土、その三箇所にて祈りと希望、再生の三部作としての映像作品を制作。 ご購入後、お礼のカードとリンクをお送りいたします。




◆海、山、土-祈り、希望、再生 の為の三部作 短編映像 Short Film Donation


神々の場所、熊野の自然と神々の宿る場所、海、山、土、その三箇所にて祈りと希望、再生の三部作としての映像作品の制作準備をしています。 その準備の一端として短編映像を配信することにいたしました。 配信中は何回でもご覧いただけます。

Donationは一口1000円となっており何口でもお買い上げいただけます。 Linkと、お礼のカードをお送りいたします。





◆Vibrating Sky-Image short video in Estonia 


そこで披露するはずだった作品のタイトルはVibrating Sky-震える空です。









◆November 3 (Sun)
Kumano Asuka Musubi no Sato 6th Anniversary Celebration - Performance
We will be performing at the 6th anniversary event of the Kumano Asuka Musubi no Sato, hosted by the International Coexistence Creation Association.
Featuring: Wadaiko performer Chiyozono
Details here

◆November 17 (Sun)
Donation Dance at Dan Kura Shrine - Onijō Taiko + 86B210
We will perform a donation dance at the Dan Kura Shrine, located in the depths of Kumano.
Featuring: Onijō Taiko
Artists: Takefumi Obata, Hirohisa Hirayama, Ryūyō Hatanaka
Details here

◆November 28 (Thu)
Special Live 2024 at Itami WINNER
Join us for a special live event at WINNER in Itami. We will create an adult improvisational banquet and a stimulating, fantastical play space.

Opening: 18:00
Start: 19:00
Ticket: 3000 yen
664-0858 Itami City, Nishidai 2-3-16
Reservations and inquiries: 080-3795-8057 (Katsuya Mori)


◆November 29 (Fri)
50th Anniversary of Okayama PEPPERLAND - Noseda Yuujin + 86B210
The long-established live house PEPPERLAND in Okayama celebrates its 50th anniversary with a commemorative live event. Expect an avant-garde night.
Featuring: Noseda Yuujin, Modular Synth


Open: 19:00 / Start: 19:30 | Ticket: 2400/2900 (drinks not included)
Artists: 86B210, Nose Yuujin, RroseSelavy/Celine, betts(jp)
Reservations and inquiries: TEL: 086-253-9758
Details here

◆December 20(Fri)

Our project "LABO" are held on the third Friday of even numberd month.It is laboratory of movement.  Next "LABO" on 20th ,December ,Friday.  With Michiyo Yagi. If you stay in tokyo, please come to our performance!  We looking forward to meet you.


20th , December (Fri)

Door Open 19:30. 

Performance Start 20:00

 2500yen,(Inc,1 drink)

Ticket booking


[Venue] Art Space呼応Co-oh

 B1F,3-6,Yuuki Bldg,3-6,Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo




Michiyo Yagi (八木美知依, やぎ・みちよ)

Pioneering koto (Japanese string instrument) player known for her extensive and diverse musical career. She plays various types of koto, including the 21-string, 17-string, and 18-string versions, as well as incorporating electronics and vocals into her performances.

Yagi is recognized for her versatility, crossing boundaries between traditional Japanese music, avant-garde jazz, contemporary music, rock, and pop. She has been honored as one of the "50 Best World Musicians" by Songlinesmagazine, alongside renowned figures like Ravi Shankar and Paco de Lucía.

She studied under the late Tadao Sawai and Kazue Sawai, two influential figures in Japanese traditional music. After graduating from the NHK Japanese Music Training Institute, she moved to the United States as a visiting professor at Wesleyan University, where she was influenced by figures such as John Cage and John Zorn.

Yagi began her solo recording career in 1999 with Shizuku, produced by Zorn, and followed with other works such as Yuraru (2001) and Seventeen (2005). Her 2006 album Live! at Superdeluxe featured a European rhythm section with Ingebrigt Håker Flaten (bass) and Paul Nilssen-Love (drums). In 2006, she formed a trio with Peter Brötzmann (saxophone) and Nilssen-Love, releasing albums like Head On (2008) and Volda (2010). She also collaborated with guitarist Elliott Sharp on Reflections (2010).

In 2014, she released the debut album Ichi no Maki with drummer Tamaya Honda, which won Music Magazine's Best Jazz Album of the Year. In 2015, she released two free-jazz albums, Angular Mass and Soul Stream, in collaboration with Nilssen-Love and electronics artist Lasse Marhaug. In 2017, she released Dojo/Second Volume and Decade (with Håker Flaten and Nilssen-Love).

In 2019, Yagi released Into the Forest, a collection of her own compositions, which featured her vocals for the first time. Her 2023 album Mibi (with composer Dai Fujikura) was released by Jazzland Recordings, with another album, Hyperborea (an ambient album), scheduled for release in late 2024.

Yagi has performed at numerous prestigious festivals, including the Moers Festival (Germany), Vision Festival (USA), Kongsberg Jazz Festival (Norway), Krakow Jazz Autumn (Poland), and Montreux Jazz Festival. She was named "Artist in Residence" at the 2023 Jazzfestival Saalfelden and "Featured Artist" at the 2023 Cologne Jazzweek.

Apart from collaborating with top improvisers, Yagi has also worked with progressive rock artist Steven Wilson (Porcupine Tree), accordionist Coba, and popular J-Pop artists such as Ko Shibasaki, Ayumi Hamasaki, Tempalay, Angela Aki, and Takuya (formerly of Judy & Mary).

Recently, her work has centered on original compositions performed with her trio and solo performances, as well as improvisational projects like Dojo.

You can learn more about her on her official website and blog:



86B210 is an avant-garde dance duo active both domestically and internationally. They perform in various venues, including theaters, clubs, streets, and galleries. 86B210 began their activities in Europe with the Paris-Tokyo Festival organized by the Public Relations and Culture Center of the Japanese Embassy in France. Their work addresses problems and questions of living in modern society, creating poetic pieces themed around "living humanly" and improvisational sensory experimental theater. In 2007, they were featured at the top of "DANSER" (France) and "ballet tanz" (Germany) best stage 34. Information about 86B210 was reported by the Kyodo News Paris Bureau. Since 2013, 86B210 has have been operating Art Space Co-oh, a place for various artsand artists to interact. The duo participates in sessions with different artists and appear in photographic and video works. Recently, they were the subject of monochrome photographs by the master photographer Michael Kenna, which were exhibited at the Ebisu Photography Museum as part of his major retrospective. On July 20, 86B210 will present a work inspired by local folk songs from the Gejyo area at the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale, held in the Butterfly Pavilion designed by architect Dominique Perrault.


Lighting,Sound Takaki Shinmura



These tickets are for our Online Theater, to see the online version of the performance. The Online Theater will be viewable from December 21st through 24th (3days). We hope you will be able to enjoy the performance, whether in person or online!

Europe Tour Support


We have successfully concluded our European tour to great acclaim and have returned home. We sincerely thank you all for your support. We are currently in the process of sending out our tokens of appreciation, so please look forward to receiving them.




                                     Movie / Short Film




◆Sea, Mountain, Land - Pray , Hope, Regeneration


The three drummers will be joined by Kumano Onijo Taiko, a local taiko drumming group that continues to perform in the traditional style of Kumano; Taku Aratani, who is dedicated to conveying the spirit of harmony through martial arts; and Keiko Iguchi and Fumie Suzuki, members of 86B210, who continue to pursue the meaning of life through dance. Kumano Onijo Taiko, under the direct guidance of master Teruo Nakamori, one of the leading taiko drummers in Higashi-Kishu, has been searching for a unique style that is not bound by formality, and has created a drumming style based on the traditional taiko rhythm of this Kumano region. Taku Aratani performs the Happo-kiri dance, which is an offering and purification to all the gods (the eight million gods), and 86B210, Keiko Iguchi, and Fumie Suzuki perform the dance that has played the role of communicating with the gods since ancient times in Japan. The video work is a trilogy of prayer, hope, and rebirth at the place of the gods, Kumano, where nature and the gods dwell: the sea, the mountains, and the earth. After your purchase, we will send you a thank you card and a link to our website.


Click here for the video sales site



◆Sea, Mountain, Land - Pray , Hope , Regeneration Short Film


Amidst the mountains, sea and soil of Kumano, where the gods dwell, we will produce a trilogy of video works, of hope, prayer and regeneration. Early preview.This donation for Early preview. We send Thank you card and Link. Thank you for your surpport!!



◆Vibrating Sky-Image short video in Estonia 


Our planned performance of Vibrating Sky in Estonia was cancelled due to Covid-19.  
We were all shocked to find that the performance was cancelled after we arrived in Estonia, but we took the opportunity to create a short film while we were there. On June 18 at 20:00 (JST) we will release the short film on YouTube.  
We are now soliciting donations to help defray the cost of the trip to Estonia (since the performance did not take place). As a thank you to everyone who makes a donation here, we will send a link to the video and an original 86B210 
thank you card. Thank you for your support!

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